Image of a fertility calendar marked for ovulation day.

Sheep Placenta: For Hormone Imbalance

Written by: Wan SofaSyifa
Reviewed by: Fenny Lim, BSc. (Hons) Nutrition, UKM

Libido and fertility are two completely different things but are closely connected to one another. For couples looking to start a family, both aspects matter. In the meantime, a healthy libido is important for a healthy, intimate relationship. Various solutions, such as commercial dietary supplements, are available to improve libido and fertility.

What is Libido?

Libido, or sex drive, refers to a person’s interest in sexual activity [1]. Lower libido can cause dissatisfaction in relationships and, for couples starting a family, can cause infertility. Common causes for lowered libido are;

  • Relationship problems
  • Sexual problems – vaginal dryness, erectile dysfunction
  • Menopause
  • Mental health issues – depression, anxiety
  • Medicine, contraception, and health conditions

What is Fertility?

Fertility is an individual or a couple’s ability to reproduce through normal sexual activity. Infertility is a couple’s inability to get pregnant after a year (or more) of unprotected sex. For ladies aged 35 years or older, the time span is reduced to six months and above. Infertility may result from a problem in [2];

  • A woman’s ability to release an egg from her ovaries
  • A man’s sperm quantity and quality to fertilize the eggs
  • The health conditions of the reproductive organs

Based on this, common infertility causes in men and women are;

  • Disruptions in ovarian function
  • Obstructions in the fallopian tube
  • Abnormalities in the uterus

How Do You Normally Improve Libido and Fertility?

Solutions to improve both libido and fertility depend on the cause. To improve your libido, the solutions can be anything from relationship counseling, medication, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and dietary supplements [3]. Improving fertility can be a more complicated situation depending on the severity of the cause, involving long-term treatments, surgeries, medication, etc.

Dietary supplements are popular for individuals with very mild libido issues, looking to improve it casually, or couples who just want an option to boost their fertility naturally.

Common Libido Boosters and Supplements

Libido boosters and supplements in the market are normally derived from organic compounds. They are mostly aphrodisiacs derived from animals or herbs. Most commercial libido boosters tend to come from herbs such as;

  • Ginseng (especially red ginseng)
  • Nutmeg
  • Date palm
  • Maca
  • Longjack (or tongkat ali)
  • Yohimbe
  • Indian-almond
  • White sapote
  • Damiana

These herbs gain notoriety due to their long history of use across Europe, Africa, and Asia, with ongoing clinical studies being done for scientific proof of their effectiveness. So far, while users would have increased libido, their effectiveness against conditions such as erectile dysfunction has mixed results. Some herbs have different side effects and potential drug interactions limiting them for certain individuals.

Known side effects of these herbs-based supplements include [4];

  • Indigestion
  • Kidney and liver problems
  • Increased heart rate
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Low blood sugar
  • Stomach Pains

Common Fertility Boosters and Supplements

While libido boosters tend to be aphrodisiacs, fertility boosters are supplements in the form of micronutrients from vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids such as omega-3. Fertility is a bit more complex than libido, and until you are medically diagnosed with infertility, it is assumed that you are fertile. For women, this means the period when you start your menses until menopause; for men, it starts when you start producing sperm.

In the market, you can also find fertility boosters being marketed as prenatal supplements. There are ongoing studies on the micronutrients used in these supplements to understand their effectiveness in improving male and female fertility. Most agree that these supplements are best combined instead of as single-ingredient formulations [5].

Sheep Placenta for Libido and Fertility

Sheep placenta has been a popular traditional ingredient for libido and fertility across the globe. It has been used since the Tang dynasty in China and has been scientifically studied by Vladimir Filatov as early as 1923 in Europe. Sheep placenta is linked with libido and fertility because it is rich in [6];

  • Growth Factors
  • Nucleic Acids
  • Amino Acids
  • Extracellular Matrix (ECM) Components
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals

The sheep placenta’s long history of use for libido and fertility is mostly due to three out of the six nutrients listed above.

Growth Factors

Growth factors in the sheep placenta may help improve libido and fertility by balancing your hormones. It has the ability to stimulate your body’s natural hormone production. For libido and fertility, the hormones in question are;

  • Estrogen
  • Testosterone

Contrary to popular belief, a balance of these two hormones is necessary for libido and fertility in both genders. 

As mentioned, hormone imbalance may be one of the factors in lowered libido. Estrogen and testosterone are also crucial in reproduction. Estrogen is the main hormone for female reproduction, and testosterone is for males. 

For women, infertility is more imminent as they age because your body naturally produces less estrogen over time. In men, erectile dysfunction, an infertility symptom, might be caused by low testosterone production.


As an organ that delivers nutrients, sheep’s placenta is rich in vitamins. In the study done by Filatov, he noted that the placenta is especially abundant in vitamin B complexes. Vitamins B12 (cobalamin) and B9 (folic acid) are the two vitamins known to help with fertility. They are also the vitamins highly recommended during pregnancy and nursing period.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is best known for;

  • Increasing blood levels
  • Improving DNA and RNA production

Recent studies have found that having a higher blood level of vitamin B12 can enhance a woman’s fertility when undergoing infertility treatment. 

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) plays a role in male fertility by boosting sperm count and quality. In women, it is especially vital for fetal development and best taken even before pregnancy as a prenatal supplement. 

While we advise professional consultation for sheep placenta supplement intake during pregnancy due to the other nutrients present, it is a more wholesome approach to fertility as a fertility booster in both men and women.


For minerals, Vilatov has discovered that the sheep placenta contains calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium silicone, sodium, and zinc. Out of these, calcium, copper, iron, and zinc are the minerals linked with fertility.

Calcium is a mineral that our body cannot naturally produce. In female fertility, calcium is vital to embryo growth and development. In males, calcium helps increase the sperm’s vitality [7].

Copper is a popular mineral in most prenatal supplements in the market. Multiple studies have shown that copper deficiency does lower fertility [8]. Low copper levels may alter the enzymes involved in reproduction, causing;

  • Lower conception rates
  • Lower libido
  • Poorer sperm quality

Iron is a common supplement for pregnancy because it helps increase blood levels and improve the levels of healthy red blood cells. It is also a fact that pregnant women experience rapid iron deficiency during pregnancy. Less known is that these two factors are also contributing to fertility rates. Recent studies indicate that women having trouble conceiving tend to have lower iron levels in their bloodstream [9].

Among all the minerals above, zinc is the most vital mineral for male and female fertility. In males, optimum zinc intake is needed for sperm function and fertilization [10]. In females, zinc is needed for oocyte growth, maturation, and fertilization. It is also important for fetal and placental development [11].

Combined with the presence of growth factors and vitamins, the minerals in the sheep placenta may give you a better approach towards fertility compared to other single-based ingredient supplements in the market.

Should You Start Taking Sheep Placenta Supplements?

Trying a supplement made from sheep placenta may benefit those seeking to conceive and experiencing slight libido problems. Sheep placenta should be used as a dietary supplement and not, in any form, as a treatment. If you have a persistent libido and fertility condition, we highly advise seeking professional help as soon as possible.

You should also take sheep placenta supplements for their anti-aging benefits. Lowered libido and fertility are closely related to age, so taking it as an anti-aging supplement might make it more worthwhile.

CellLabs® Sheep Placenta Line to Boost Libido and Fertility

CellLabs offers dietary supplements to help boost libido and fertility in line with our goal of helping you achieve a longer, more fulfilling life. We’re proud of our sheep placenta line, including the CellLabs® CLASSaaNTA Sheep Placenta, which has been extensively tested for the best anti-aging results.

CellLabs® CLASSaaNTA Sheep Placenta can boost libido and fertility due to its rich formulation and concentration. It has an optimum dose of 30,000mg, the highest extraction ratio, and a robust 7-in-1 formulation. We believe that balancing your hormones, providing your body with the right nutrients is the key to improving your libido and fertility. 

Our CellLabs® CLASSaaNTA Sheep Placenta has a high potency; most can feel its effects in weeks. We recommend you start taking this as a fertility and libido booster, at least in your thirties, especially if you want to conceive or increase intimacy with your partner.

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