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Sheep Placenta: Side Effects and Misconceptions

Written by: Wan SofaSyifa
Reviewed by: Fenny Lim, BSc. (Hons) Nutrition, UKM

Despite having a long history of use, the earliest documented evidence is in the Tang dynasty, China, and the first scientific study in 1929 by Vladimir Filatov from the Soviet Union, sheep placenta has faced much scrutiny. Concerns are often raised about sheep placenta side effects and their therapeutic efficacy. More often than not, this is all a misunderstanding or misconception.

Thanks to our resident specialists, we will tackle all the common misconceptions and concerns about sheep placenta supplements so you can easily make them your daily dietary supplement.

Understanding Sheep Placenta “Side Effects” and Misconceptions

By right, any form of sheep placenta extracts appropriately and ethically handled should not have adverse side effects. Sheep placenta reviews from our customers also state the same. Even so, we receive raised concerns occasionally and will address them accordingly.

Sheep Placenta is Dangerous

The Truth:

This misconception stems from a tragedy where placenta consumption causes a severe infection through breastfeeding. You need to understand that the placenta is from the human placenta.

Human placenta encapsulation is not a service available at hospitals and other healthcare centers. It is normally done by private companies providing doula services or afterbirth care. The encapsulation process is crucial when considering placenta consumption. This process includes cleaning, boiling or freezing, drying, powdering, and encapsulation.

The boiling or freezing part of placenta encapsulation needs precise, careful handling. This is where any bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants present in the placenta are removed. The boiling process should last at least 121 minutes, with the lowest temperature being 130°F (around 54°C) [1]. A very heated temperature is also unpreferable as it might destroy the nutrients in the placenta. 

On the other hand, the freezing process should be done with the highest temperature being 0°F (around -18°C) at most.

So far, the only guidelines for the human placenta encapsulation process are by local doula associations [2]. There are limitations to the encapsulation process, with most doulas providing this service lacking high-end equipment at commercial laboratories. The boiling and freezing process might not be as efficient.

On the other hand, sheep placenta has been commercially produced in Japan as early as the 1950s and mass-produced in New Zealand at pristine, certified laboratories. Our sheep placenta supplements, for example, are made in laboratories certified with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and GDP (Good Distribution Practice).

As for the process, our sheep placenta extracts, sourced from specially bred Lincoln Sheep in New Zealand, are freeze-dried at -130°F (-90°C) to preserve the extract and kill any contaminants, condensed up to 120 times (120:1 extraction ratio), then filled with nitrogen to prevent decomposition or oxidation. This allows our products to have higher purity, shelf-life, and, of course, safer for your consumption.

A flow diagram showing CellLabs' sheep placenta encapsulation process.

Diagram of CellLabs’ Sheep Placenta encapsulation process.

We advise you to check your supplement labels, research your brand, and refer your doctor if you have any concerns.

Sheep Placenta Contains Hormones

The Truth:

One of the unique capabilities of sheep placenta is balancing hormones. This raises concerns that sheep placenta capsules contain hormones. This concern is due to the new bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) sometimes used instead of conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT). 

BHRT uses bioidentical hormones (lab-produced hormones similar to the ones naturally produced in your body) extracted from plants, and prescribed ones are premade by drug companies. They are prescribed to individuals experiencing hormone imbalance symptoms, including pre-menopause, menopause, and lowered libido. 

There is also a form of BHRT custom-made by pharmacists or other healthcare organizations based on a prescription known as compounded bioidentical hormones (cBHRT) [3]. This cBHRT may contain hormones that are not tested or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

HRT itself is notorious for having side effects, and this is even more so for BHRT. More alarmingly, cHBT might include hormones that are not even safe. Since some sheep placenta brands might use vague wordings on how it can help balance hormones, the assumption that these sheep placenta capsules contain hormones is a cause for concern.

To alleviate this concern, it is important to understand the sheep placenta’s mechanism of action. Sheep placenta has a high bioavailability, with a high permissible optimum dosage and extraction ratio. This allows the nutrients inside the sheep placenta to cross the blood-brain barrier and reach your pituitary gland. 

The pituitary gland is an organ located in the brain and is known as the “master gland” in your endocrine system. It secretes hormones and signals other organs in the endocrine system to do the same. Sheep placenta can penetrate the pituitary gland and help balance your hormone by improving a “malfunctioned” or “less efficient” pituitary gland.

Diagram of the pituitary gland and the endocrine system in men and women.

Diagram of the pituitary gland and the endocrine system.

The effectiveness of the sheep placenta for hormone balancing depends on its dosage and extraction ratio. Our CellLabs® CLASSaaNTA, for instance, has the highest permissible dosage (30,000mg) and extraction ratio (120:1). Some of our satisfied customers can feel the benefits of a balanced hormone, such as increased vitality and better sleep as early as two weeks after taking it. 

Additionally, our Ministry of Health makes it compulsory for all supplements to undergo a hormone test, and we cannot release a product if we fail this test. Rest assured, all our sheep placenta lines passed this hormone test and are hormone-free.

Sheep Placenta Contains Live Stem Cells

The Truth:

No, the sheep placenta does not contain live stem cells. Studies have shown that live cells are not suited to be taken orally because they can be destroyed in the stomach. Additionally, the FDA highly regulates stem cell therapy since it is a form of treatment. Meanwhile, sheep placenta is a dietary supplement and is not, in any shape or form, a treatment.

Then what do sheep placenta therapy mean, and how can it be used as cell therapy? First, we need to understand the goal of cell therapy. The process of replacing “damaged” cells through cell therapy will, in theory, significantly improve the overall functioning of the cells by catalyzing their ability to repair, regenerate, and protect themselves [4]. This is the end goal and why it is primarily researched for cancer treatment.

Sheep placenta can have the same effects – cellular repair, regeneration, and protection- because of its nutrients. Some of the nutrients available in the sheep placenta are [5];

  • Growth Factors
  • Nucleic Acids
  • Amino Acids
  • Extracellular Matrix (ECM) Components
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals

These nutrients help stimulate hormone production, have antioxidant properties, and can catalyze metabolic reactions. Combined, these benefits help cell repair, regeneration, and protection – the goal of cell therapy.

The right encapsulation process ensures your body gets the full benefit of these nutrients for proper cell therapy effects. Softgel capsules can withstand stomach acid but are not as good as enteric-coated capsules. Our CellLabs® CLASSaaNTA comes with enteric-coated capsules capable of withstanding stomach acid and dissolves faster in the small intestine – where nutrient absorption happens [6].

It is important to filter out the noise surrounding sheep placenta and cell therapy. Ask questions for more understanding, and conduct quick research to make the best decision.

Sheep Placenta is a “Cure-all”

The Truth:

The notion of a “cure-all,” or panacea, has existed since Ancient Greece. Most dietary supplement brands list numerous benefits of their products, making it seem like the products are a “cure-all.” This is a predominant misconception for sheep placenta supplements and other supplements in the market. The most notorious is vitamin C [7], while sheep placenta gains additional concern because it is not a so-called “common” dietary supplement ingredient.

 Similar to the points above, the important thing is understanding where these claims come from.

First, let us ask the most pertinent question – are sheep placenta supplements a “cure-all”? The short answer is no. The most prominent benefits of sheep placenta are related to anti-aging and hormone balancing. For anti-aging, a keynote is how sheep placenta may improve certain aging symptoms based on its nutrients, such as amino acids that can help reduce lines and wrinkles. Aging symptoms are varied and can range from appearance to health-based symptoms. 

Since a sheep’s placenta may affect several of these symptoms, it might seem like it can chew on many things, but other factors also play a part.

We have established that the sheep placenta’s unique mechanism of action may help balance your hormones. Believe it or not, hormones can cause many different aging and illness symptoms. Left untreated, hormone imbalance can cause chronic illnesses. For example, reduced estrogen production, a natural part of aging, can decrease collagen production, making your skin less elastic, and can cause irregular menses or painful menses.

Graph chart on hormone rise and decline by life phases.

Graph chart on hormone rise and decline by life phases.

Similar to aging symptoms, there are more than 25 common symptoms of hormone imbalance, and sheep placenta may help with some of them.

Sheep placenta supplement, as per the name itself, should be treated as a dietary supplement. It is not a “cure-all,” but its long history of use and high bioavailability show positive results for the two benefits highlighted. It is by no means a shortcut, but you can consider it a supporter of your regular lifestyle.

Like other supplements, formulation, dosage, and intake compliance are a must. The results vary depending on age, sex, lifestyle, and environment. Our CellLabs® CLASSaaNTA, for instance, comes with a 7-in-1 formulation featuring antioxidant-rich ingredients that also benefit skin appearance, such as marine collagen. 

Additionally, it comes with an optimum dose of 30,000mg per capsule to be taken daily before breakfast and no caffeine for one hour. Customers who follow the recommended dose and intake compliance feel some changes as soon as two weeks after consuming.

Sheep Placenta Causes Skin Breakouts

The Truth:

Can sheep placenta cause skin breakouts? Yes, it can sometimes cause skin breakouts for certain people. 

But, this is not a bad sign; it is actually an indicator that the sheep’s placenta is working as it affects your hormone production. If you are young, with no history of hormone imbalance or other illnesses, chances are, the sheep placenta you are consuming currently causes certain hormones to be more active than usual.

Hormones and skin health are tightly linked together. Three hormones, in particular, are what normally cause skin problems such as acne, dry skin, wrinkles, and pigmentation;

  • Estrogen – stimulates collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid for skin elasticity
  • Progesterone – stimulates sebum (skin oil) within the skin for skin moisturizing and protection
  • Testosterone – activates the sebaceous gland for sebum production

When you start consuming sheep placenta, you might experience a significant increase in these hormones because of how its nutrients stimulate your pituitary gland. A rise in testosterone and progesterone levels is often associated with acne production; you might experience skin pigmentation in rising estrogen levels. Other than acne and pigmentation, hormone changes can also cause flushings, the reddish tint in your skin.

Image of common skin conditions caused by hormones such as acne, dry skin, skin pigmentation, skin redness, and wrinkles.

Image of common skin conditions caused by hormone imbalance.

According to our in-house nutritionist, it is best to continue your current sheep placenta intake and let the supplement run its course; afterward, reduce the dosage to maintain your current hormone levels. Aside from this, you can also notice that it improves your body in other aspects; you have better sleep quality, your menses are easier, and you feel more energized. These are all signs of hormone balance.

However, if your breakout worsens, we suggest seeing a dermatologist immediately. These breakouts might be symptoms of other conditions. By right, the correct dosage and intake of sheep placenta supplements should not have any adverse side effects.

Similar to how sheep placenta indirectly acts as a natural energy booster, it can be a natural focus supplement as it helps balance your hormones. Hormone imbalance is a precursor to many health conditions, and a slight inability to focus might be the first warning sign. An increase in focus is also one of the earliest effects our CellLabs® CLASSaaNTA customers see in just two weeks.

Hormone imbalances can cause mood or anxiety disorders, but they also work in reverse. Researchers agree that they are linked to one another, but which is the causal differs from one person to another. What is agreed is that a lack or an overabundance of certain hormones is detrimental to the severity of mood and anxiety disorders.

Should You Start Taking Sheep Placenta Supplements?

On our side, we do encourage you to take sheep placenta supplements for general wellness, anti-aging, and balancing hormones. However, we want to highlight that this supplement, like any other in the market, should not be treated as medication or function in place of actual prescriptions.

If you have a pre-existing condition or any persistent symptoms, we highly recommend you refer to a licensed medical practitioner. 

CellLabs® Sheep Placenta Line

Founded in 2004, we have been in the industry for over 19 years now. The sheep placenta is our company foundation and our magnum opus. We believe the sheep placenta’s high bioavailability and long tradition of use may help you maintain your health and lifestyle even as you age. 

We have formulated our sheep placenta line with different ingredients such as grapeseed oil, lycopene, astaxanthin, marine collagen, silk amino acid, aloe vera, and avocado oil for more varied effects. Depending on the formulation, you can get a sheep placenta supplement more suited for a fast, effective improvement on skin appearance or a supplement that gives you more of an energy boost.

Our sheep placenta line products also come with different dosages and extraction ratios. CellLabs® CLASSaaNTA is our most potent supplement yet, with the highest dosage, extraction ratio, and robust formulation. Due to its high potency, it is more suitable for users above 30 years of age.

Ladies in their early 20s can start with our beginner’s formulation, CellLabs® Sheep Placenta with Grape Seed Oil, and work your way up with either;

If you are unsure, we welcome you to contact us and ask your questions – we are here to help.

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