Once an order is processed and shipped, any cancellation will not be entertained. Every order will be shipped by DHL. Your average expected delivery time would be within 3-10 business days or more depending on your location.
Our processing time is within one (1) business day (Malaysia time, GMT+8) upon payment receipt except during our national public holidays and weekends.
For multiple-order shipping, we will ship all your orders within the same time frame as stated above. We highly recommend you only proceed with your payment once you are done shopping so you can take advantage of our combined shipping rates.
Do take into account that each postal service may have its own shipping policy. Their shipping policy may change. We encourage you to check them out before you ship in case of new announcements or policy changes.
Refunds will only be processed in the event of;
- Proven product damage (including expired products, spilled capsules, etc.)
- Proven Missing items
- Proven failed delivery attempts
You will need to send proof of the event via email within 24 hours of delivery. For failed delivery attempts, please send screenshot images of your product tracker or any communications with the postal service if you did not receive your order within 14 days.
If your purchase undergoes currency conversion, your refund will be converted using the same process. We submit your refund requests immediately to your bank or card issuer. You can expect your refund to appear as credit around 5-10 business days or more after our submission depending on your bank.
Please be noted that refunds issued shortly after your original purchase will appear as a reversal instead of a refund. For reversals, your original purchase will drop off your statement and a separate credit will not be issued.
Full refunds will not be issued for opened products that are not defective unless the product has been returned. Do refer to our return policy to see how you can return your products to us.
This refund policy may change without prior notice. You are recommended to check our refund policy from time to time should you intend to submit a refund request.
Any product returns must be in their original, unused condition with an attached tracking code for inspection and processing. Prior to returns, you will be required to submit a return request to us. We encourage you to snap a picture of the original product and attach it with your return request. This must be done within 30 days of product receipt.
Please be noted that we reserve the right to decline any returns if the product is not in pristine condition.
If your return request is accepted, please note that you are fully responsible for the shipping cost. Your full refund will only be issued once we validate the condition of the returned product. This return policy may change without prior notice so we recommend you check our policy before submitting your request.
Please note that we do not accept returns on opened or used items.
Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about our refund and return policy, please contact us at support@celllabs.co. We are here to help!